Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Oz (Nostalgia) Files

Accidental Lamb Chili

I have no idea how to make lamb. Australia loves lamb! You can get lamb in some way anywhere you go and at every venue from the supermarket to restaurant to small eat-in or take away cafĂ©. There is always a lamb dish. I have eaten lamb every now and then but even with it so readily available I haven’t attempted to make lamb at home.

I do make chili though. A really yummy and easy chili now that I have my ‘chili con carne’ spice from my dear little local spice shop.  Now that winter has arrived here in Melbourne it is a perfect time to make my next chili concoction. We had two packages of frozen meat purchased from a local farm in the Yarra Valley, so I decided to use the one labeled “Burgers”.  The chili came out very good and I commented to Jaime that I used the “burgers” in the freezer and that the meat was really tender and had a slightly different flavor and texture than the usual ground beef, it was good, just different.  And Jaime replied, “Yes, those were lamb burgers.”  Apparently, aside from the fruits, veggies, and wine, this farm raised lamb. And so, my first lamb dish!

Where else can you accidentally add a little Aussie flavor to your Paula Deen chili!

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